Monday 5 August 2013

Luke's house

We learnt to play PS2 with Luke. He had some very exciting games. We must have behaved well because Luke took us with him to Johanne's birthday party. Happy birthday Johannes!
On Sunday we had weetbix for breakfast. Ngala really loved it, she couldn't get enough of it!

Monday 29 July 2013

Spending the holidays with James

We had a jam-packed holidays!  James took us to see the movie 'Epic'. We went for bike rides with James and his granddad down to the harbour each day.  Ngala was a bit slow on her bike though! James took us to his cricket coaching days.

On Sunday we all went fishing. James had a new fishing rod which we got to use. Ngala was scared a shark would eat her!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Connor's house

In the weekend, we went to watch Connor play rugby for the Eastern under 9's. They had a narrow win. Connor was player of the day! He won for the best tackling. Look at the fantastic cup he won in the photo below.

We played a lot of games outside.
Connor did some tricks on the bars. We went upside down - that was a little bit scary!

Once again, we enjoyed meeting a lot of new friends. Thank you Connor for sharing an exciting weekend with us.

Monday 1 July 2013

Busy, active weekend at Harry's

We went to Moana Pool for the first time to watch Harry's swimming lessons. It looked very tiring!  We got very excited though when we saw Dan Carter in the spa pool - imagine seeing an All Black!

We all rugged up for soccer on Saturday morning. It was very frosty. Harry's team won 10-0!

After soccer, we hung out with Harry's dog Miley. We made some new friends - George and Harold. Don't we look like twins.

We played on the trampoline - we were bounced high up in the air.  Harry and Annabel did lots of tricks. Harry almost bounced me off!

Harry's family love to play table tennis. We enjoyed watching them play. Good skills Harry!
It was a busy, active weekend at Harry's house. We loved hanging out with him and his family.

Monday 24 June 2013

Meeting Theo's Family

What a busy weekend at Theo's house! We meet his pets, Hector and Filska. Filska (the cat) was a little bit nervous around us. I'm sure as soon as she gets to know us better, we will get on really well.
Theo's family were moving house so we helped. (Or should we say, tried to help! Playing with the boxes was much more fun.)  The winter carnival in the Octagon was a lot of fun - we got to see fireworks for the first time.

Monday 17 June 2013

Sporty weekend with Jack

We got to watch Jack playing soccer. He won 8-1 against Caversham.  We stayed up watching the All Blacks play France. They won too!  Yay!

Monday 10 June 2013

Learning about New Zealand creatures with Eva Luna

Eva Luna and her family took us for a visit to the Orokonui bird sanctuary. We got to learn all about some of the native New Zealand birds. Some of them were the Takahe, Tui, Kaka and Bellbird.
After, we got to go to Nova Cafe for some delicious food.