Monday 1 July 2013

Busy, active weekend at Harry's

We went to Moana Pool for the first time to watch Harry's swimming lessons. It looked very tiring!  We got very excited though when we saw Dan Carter in the spa pool - imagine seeing an All Black!

We all rugged up for soccer on Saturday morning. It was very frosty. Harry's team won 10-0!

After soccer, we hung out with Harry's dog Miley. We made some new friends - George and Harold. Don't we look like twins.

We played on the trampoline - we were bounced high up in the air.  Harry and Annabel did lots of tricks. Harry almost bounced me off!

Harry's family love to play table tennis. We enjoyed watching them play. Good skills Harry!
It was a busy, active weekend at Harry's house. We loved hanging out with him and his family.

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